Lapua is known in Finland of its old explosives factory that works nowadays as a cultural centre. Cultural life is lively in Lapua and visitors are now able to learn its’ stories and history with help of Glopas audio guide. There are two different routes to choose, one for bikers and another one for walkers in the city centre.
The Alajoki bicycling route has twenty audio guided spots there you can hear more about the history, present life and about the buildings along the route. This area down on the riverside has a long history and villages named Kaunissaari, Hellanmaa and Raamattu “bible”. Alajoki is an extensive flat farming area where your “eye won’t stop anywhere”.
The 30 km long Alajoki biking route is not challenging too much as it is flat as it can get – all the way through!

The Lapua city centre has 30 spots that reveals the locational history, monuments and buildings. This walking tour is planned to be done in certain order, but you can also choose yourself the best order. Hhighlights of the area are The Paukku Cultural Centre, Cathedral and town hall.