For your convenience, our most common customer questions are answered right here.

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Q: When downloading the app it asks for a permission to access my location, photos etc. How does Glopas use this data?

A: Glopas needs your device location and GPS to be able to connect to a right place and story. It uses microphone and photos only when the professionals are creating audio stories. Android 6 asks for a permission to use contact information when downloading apps. Glopas does not read or use any of the contact information, and it hasn’t got access to anything else than your username –

Q: Can I use Glopas offline?

A: Yes. When connected to Wi-Fi, you can open Glopas, and it downloads media files automatically. When markers on the map are orange, Glopas is ready for offline use.

Q: How do I find the various language versions of the guided tours?

A: The app has a search button. Just write an abbreviation of your languge – such as en for English – and it shows you the available guided routes nearby. This happens when there are local organisations providing content in your language.